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Friday 1 February 2019

First Impressions: Panasonic S1 (Should Sony Be Scared?)

When Panasonic announced at Photokina last year that they were coming out with new full frame cameras in cooperation with Leica and Sigma, I think that the entire photo industry was put on notice. There are lots of folks who think that Panasonic created the first real, major threat to Sony in terms of something that professionals would want to use. The Panasonic S1 is only one of the new cameras that the company announced, but during our recent visit to Panasonic's headquarters, it was the only one available for us to play with. This camera truly feels like a DSLR and in no way feels like a mirrorless camera that we've seen and held before. It throws all of the retro aesthetics and idea of embracing a small size out the window and instead does the human equivalent of taking up extra seating space unnecessarily in a public area. When you get your hands on it, you'll feel the exact same way.

from The Phoblographer

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