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Tuesday 7 May 2019

We Don’t Celebrate Living Photographers Enough; Just the Dead Ones

If you ask any landscape photographer who one of their favorites is, I'm positive that they'd say Ansel Adams with nary enough of them waxing on about how fantastic Varina Patel is. And for portraiture shooters? You're bound to get someone talking endlessly about Avedon and not enough about the more specialized work that Lois Greenfield does. When it comes to street photography, everyone is quick to talk about Bresson with little speaking about the genius that is Adam Miller. Why? Is it marketing? Partially the answer is yes; but the other big answer is that I think that the gatekeepers tend to spend too much time focusing on the work of dead photographers. If I were to get even deeper into this, they spend too much time focusing and trying to ensure ticket sales to those of white men--not enough women or photographers of color. But the latter is for a completely different article.

from The Phoblographer

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